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Welcome to Our Website

It's a pleasure to have you viewing our site. Please feel welcome look around and most importantly if you don't know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, open your heart to where God is leading you today.

Jamesville Community Food Pantry
The Friendly Spot
The Community Cross Gardens
The Jamesville Restoration Project

"The Friendly Spot" continues the    Community Lunch Meals  every second Monday of    the month,   a    great time for Free Lunch and Special Fellowship.  Click the red box for all times of the Food Pantry distribution.

In addition , "Uncle Bud's Knitters" are meeting every Thursday at 12:30   pm.   Join the fun in hats,  scarves and many other items that are being sent to bless others.

God continues to bless this ministry with the new Jamesville Restoration Project.    Please see their FB page more information on all the happenings at the Community Center!

Check out all these ministries in our Community  on their FB page.

"The Love of a Church Family"

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When the Holy Spirit moves...

The Holy Spirit is the one Who convicts the world of sin and draws people to the Lord. So when the Holy Spirit moves, the lost are saved. Sinners being saved - that's a hallmark of any true move of the Holy Spirit.

Cedar Branch prays for God to have His will and way with our church.  To God Be the Glory!

A Morning Prayer

Father, who is in Heaven,

Thank you for waking me up to a brand new day.

Give me a fresh start so that I may walk in your strength and purpose for my life.  Use me to glorify your kingdom.

Forgive me for my faults from yesterday and help me to walk closer to your side today.

Help me to radiate your light to everyone I meet, that they  may see your love through me.  

Guide my every step,

I cannot make it through the day

without you.  I love you with all my heart!

In Jesus' name I pray,


2407 NC Highway 171

Jamesville, NC  27846


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"Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man, The things which God has prepared for those who love Him."

I Corinthians 2:9  

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