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Taking everything to Him in Prayer!

 "God's Mission- Our Sincere Prayers- Impacting Others- For His Glory." 

Youth Ministry

Our Young Disciples meet on Wednesday night for Bible Study & Missions.  Grades 6-12!

Outreach Ministry

We follow the GROW (God Rewards Our Work) program.  Focusing on our own In-Active, the Community, the State and Beyond.  Making known His Glory exists for all!

WMU/Women's Ministry

Our Women on Mission stay actively involved in a number of outside ministries.  

Children's Ministry

Our Team Kids meet on Wednesday night for Bible Study & Missions.  Grades 1-5

On Sunday Morning, we have Children's Church



Our Discipleship leaders stand ready to equip, grow and minister to those God brings before them.  We have a Young Disciples group as well.

Drama Ministry


Our  Drama Ministry is currently working with Youth and Children's Ministry. 


Our worship style is considered to be a blended style with a time of contemporary as well as the "good ole" hymns.    

Community service

We  praise God for showing us ways to serve in the Community.

  Many of our members are active volunteers in Emergency Management in our area through EMT & Fire service.  

We are home to the Jamesville Community Vacation Bible School; which is shared with other local churches.  The Community wide VBS usually takes place the third week of June from 8:45 AM to 12:00 Noon; Monday - Friday. 

Many of our members are actively involved in administration of the Jamesville Community Food Pantry.  The Community Food Pantry is also home to "The Friendly Spot,"  A Community Enrichment Center.

(For more information, please click on the GO link to visit the Jamesville Community Food Pantry Facebook page & cheek out their website


God opened another door for a knitting hats & scarves ministry, "Uncle Bud's Knitters," (click GO for FB page) they meet each Thursday at the Friendly Spot at 12:30 pm. 

A new ministry of The Jamesville Restoration Project began in 2023; God is growing this ministry through our own Brenda Perry and her daughter, Abbey Strine along with family and teens from Maryland.  (click GO button for their Facebook page.)    

Always looking for opportunities to serve our Lord and spread His love in the Community!  Serving through missions: Kid's Outreach, Trunk or Treat events, Teacher Appreciation, our Fall Festival & Valentine Outreach Events.

We organize the Jamesville Community National Day of Prayer  each year on the First Thursday in May.  This takes place in the NERSBA School Auditorium.

Serving God ~  Serving Others

Cedar Branch has always been known for it's missionary and giving spirit, our prayer is that God will continue to use us as we surrender our lives to be used by HIM!

Whether it's local or global Cedar Branch is known for it's members who have been called as ministers, missionaries, or just obedient workers for God's Kingdom!  To God Be the Glory!

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