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Praise God!  We welcome our new Pastor, Rev. Benjamin Ramsaur, his wife Jennifer and their three children, Josiah, Lydia, and Micah.

God answers prayer according to His will and in His timing.  We are so grateful He sent Pastor Benjamin and his family to our small town in Eastern North Carolina.

Truly looking forward to the ministry God will use our new pastor to lead us in glorifying His kingdom! 

Installation Service for Pastor Benjamin Ramsaur  Sunday, August 25,2024.
Please join us for our celebration of God's plan for Cedar Branch as we welcome our new pastor and family! 
Nursery Available 

Please Feel Welcome to Join Us Anytime!

Our Service is shared on Facebook Live
Please click link above.
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We are a Southern Baptist Church dedicated to the teaching and preaching of God's Holy word.  We are missionary in spirit and believe that we need to love everyone with the love of Jesus, support and aid each other to the Glory of God; to surrender fully to His calling in making disciples, promote biblical values, and through prayer, outreach, and worship, strive to give hope to all and win souls to Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior!


        10:00 AM  Sunday School  (In classrooms)
         11:00 AM Worship- Sanctuary & Facebook Live     

7:00 PM Bible Study & Prayer
7:00 PM Team Kid's & Youth 

Please Click On Link For Our Facebook Page

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