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Cedar Branch Baptist Church is considered to be the oldest Missionary Baptist Church in Martin County, North Carolina, founded  November 28, 1851.  The name Cedar Branch was taken because of the large cedar trees that grew near the church.

The charter members of Cedar Branch were approximately 17 white and 14 black.  An early log cabin served as a meeting place with a dirt floor.  The first deed was hand written in 1853 in reference to public road from  Jameston (now Jamesville) to Washington by Beaver Dam Swamp and certain marked trees.

It is known that certain battles from the Civil War threatened the burning of Cedar Branch, but due to the outcome of the battle between Union and Confederate soldiers, the building was saved.

The framed building shown was believed to be built in 1888 and torn down in 1969.  The first Sabbath School (Sunday School) was in 1877, there were 30 members and 8 officers and teachers.

God is still blessing Cedar

Branch and our prayer is

that He will continue to use

us to further His kingdom.

2407 NC Highway 171

Jamesville, NC  27846


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"Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man, The things which God has prepared for those who love Him."

I Corinthians 2:9  

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